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14 April, 2021 Centro Médico Manzanera

Every time we have a greater knowledge about genetics and how it can determine our traits and characters in our lives, as well as the development of diseases and their transmission.

When we consider having offspring, we are struck by doubts about what genetic information our future children will inherit, especially in cases where the parents have some pathology.
Genetic matching makes it possible to analyze the genetic load of future parents to check their compatibility, so that it is possible to determine if there is a risk of transmission of some genetic alterations to the offspring. From a blood sample, more than 300 diseases are analyzed, including serious prevalent ones and some rare diseases.

Once the results of both members of the couple have been obtained, the reproductive risk is calculated. In the case of using a gamete donor (either eggs and / or sperm) it is also possible to apply the study. In this way, those cases in which both parents are carriers of the same recessive diseases and that, therefore, would be at risk of having offspring affected with said disease or that were carriers of it, would be detected.

Despite the importance of the information that genetic matching provides us, we must bear in mind some considerations. A normal result of the analysis does not completely guarantee an offspring free of genetic diseases, although it does allow to reduce the frequency of appearance of the hereditary diseases included in the study. Currently, not all mutations associated with every disease can be detected, nor all known genetic diseases.

If you have any questions or want to start a treatment with us (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF) or egg donation), you can contact us by sending an email to info@centromedicomanzanera.com or through the contact forms on our website: https: //www.centromedicomanzanera.com/formulario-es/

María Pombar Gómez


IMAGEN: https://www.ted.com/playlists/357/how_does_dna_work
